AnnaGrace is 18 years old and lives in Southern MD, just south of Washington DC. She was scheduled to graduate from Northern High School in June before COVID-19 brought the world to a standstill.
AnnaGrace loves being a Unified Partner with Special Olympics and participates in the cheer and dance team. She loves reading and being with her family and friends. AnnaGrace has also been hosting virtual stretching sessions for the Special Olympic Athletes to keep them moving and keep their relationships growing.
AnnaGrace was diagnosed at the age of 4 with Type 1 Diabetes. She also has an unknown muscle and nerve disease that effect her mobility. Additionally, she has a mitochondrial disorder that greatly affects her energy levels. AnnaGrace has hypoglycemia unawareness and therefore is unable to recognize episodes of dangerous low blood sugar. Partnering with a Service Dog will help keep her safe by assisting to managing her diabetes as well as helping her ambulate through life. Having a Service Dog by her side will help her find greater independence and confidence as she beings college to pursue her degree in Nursing.
AnnaGrace was blessed to have a Service Dog named Keeper who was her constant companion and life saver. They made a wonderful Team; Keeper and AnnaGrace were inseparable. Sadly, Keeper passed away in the Summer of 2019. AnnaGrace has truly missed having a Service Dog by her side. She is so grateful and excited to be partnered with a new Service Dog and truly appreciates the hard work and generosity everyone has shown her.